I can't believe it is the fourth week of school. We have been in school for 18 days to be exact.
I have been thinking of new places to read so Mom can take more pictures of me for the WHERE WE READ AND WRITE cabinet at school. This is right outside of my Mom's library so I get to look at the pictures kids from our school and Mr. Schu's school took over the summer. I love the picture of the boy reading by the kangaroo and the one hanging upside down in the tree.
One of my favorite times of day is after school in the library. It is just me and my Mom I love to draw with all of the markers and colored pencils she has. I have giant paper in her office (and lots of snacks in her fridge too).
Today I drew a picture of the Blacksmith in my LEGO's. The blacksmith had a lot of helpers so they had a battle. I like to draw the little LEGO guys.....even the color of clothes they are wearing.
BUT, the BEST thing that happened at school all week long happened TODAY, on Friday! When my Mom got the mail today, she had a package from Mr. Schu.
When I went to the library for class today, she surprised ME and my whole class with Peter Brown's brand new book YOU WILL BE MY FRIEND. Mr. Schu was lucky enough to have Peter come to visit his school library this week. When he was there, John had Peter sign my book. It says, "You WILL be my friend, Hagan."
I am excited that it is the weekend. I have been trying to think about what I want to do. I just told my Mom that I would really like to have a friend over. I hope it works out.
And I hope you have a SUPER FUN weekend too.